• info@omni-ae.com
  • +9715 063 97237

Our Services

We offer the full spectrum of consulting services to help organizations work better and business growth.

Market Research and Management Consulting

OMNI-Consulting is a group of dedicated professionals with years of experience in building enterprise solutions for corporate customers. We have taken this experience and are now focusing on helping both individuals and SME’s to bring mobile solutions to the market in a rapid way. 

Service organizations are in a constant state of change due to shifts in customer behavior, competition, regulations, and technological disruptions. In order to cope and succeed under these conditions, B2C organizations are compelled to develop appropriate strategies, optimize performance, and use advanced methodologies and techniques to react dynamically to events.

OMNI-Consulting offers broad consulting services to B2C organizations in all industries, including telecommunications, financial services, healthcare, and retail. Our team helps our clients in the design, optimization and maintenance of the following :

Consulting 60%


  • Qualitative research
  • In depth interviews
  • Focus Groups Discussions
  • In-Person Ethnographic
  • Face to Face personal interviews
  • Mystery shopping


  • Feasibility Studies
  • Strategic Planning
  • Organizational Restructuring

Companies that sense emerging trends and adapt to the evolving mindset of today’s consumers, will not only survive but thrive in the years ahead. To that end, OMNI Consulting is an invaluable ally.

Consumers today, whether locally, regionally and globally are faced with a wide range of advertising online, print, media and through social networks. Consumer lifestyles are influenced on a constant basis with advertising messages. Omni Consulting has expertise with innovative research methods that get into the consumers’ minds and follow them through their customer journey.

Our sophisticated research methodologies, data and intelligence analysis, and unparalleled insight into ever-changing markets, cultures, and consumer mindsets, can make the difference for your company and position you well to succeed in this new and challenging era.

Educational Consulting

OMNI Consulting is an international company that understands the importance of community participation, empowerment and global citizenship.
With our strong Professional team and partnerships, we aim to provide tailored educational solutions to meet the unique needs of educators, schools, universities, and Educational Bodies.
Our target is to provide our stockholders with opportunities to support them to become globally competitive and to attain excellence and recognition in the global domain.
We view our role as one of sustainable support to the Educational sectors, in helping to align with national and international standers.   

We offer a wide and detailed list of services to meet the needs of governmental and private sectors whether they are in Educational Policies& Systems, Educational Research, Strategic Planning, Mounting, Evaluation, Quality Management Systems, Needs Assessment, Professional Development, Curriculum Development, Measurement, and Assessment Logistics or Accreditation.

Our team is ready to support your needs to enhance the educational experience you offer your students.

The support and consultancy we provide through our stockholders are carried out with the high-quality assurance systems. Across the education spectrum from governments and accreditation bodies, to universities and schools, we make it our efforts to meet and exceed international educational standards and to innovate in order to meet the high-performance exceptions.

Our Consulting & Finance Company Conult in 1987

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Healthcare Research and Consulting

The medical and healthcare industry comprises of all those organizations that offer products and services to people in need of any preventive, rehabilitative or curative treatment.

One of the most major industries that play a vital role is the pharmaceutical industry that has a major share in the progress of the medical industry. The pharmaceutical industry comprises of all those organizations involved in the development, production, distribution and marketing of drugs and medications. The industry is one of the most regulated ones all around the globe, specifically regarding the testing of drugs and safety of users.

On the service side of the health care industry, health care providers and professionals are the most vital elements that include hospital workers, clinical workers, doctors, nurses and volunteer health workers. According to World Health Organization, the health care industry comprises of one of the largest workforces in the world.

Press Release Consulting

At OMNI Consulting, we proud to provide our customers a unique & professional press release services via copy-writing, translating, proof-reading, news distribution, media invitation & media monitoring report to track the news published via online, printed & multimedia channels.

Fast & Easy Payouts

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Payment Processing

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What we're doing

Services We Offer

Audit <br> Marketing



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Audit <br> Marketing
Consumer<br> Product



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Consumer<br> Product
Finance<br> Consulting



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Finance<br> Consulting
Business<br> Growth



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Business<br> Growth
Banking<br> Advising



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Banking<br> Advising



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Company benefits & soltutions

Building Experience & Give High Success Rates

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of Work

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What They're Saying

We’re trusted by more than 3500 clients

Businesses You Can Back

Why Choose Conult Platform

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Global Partnership

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Powered by Knowledge

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Our Mission is to Protect your Business & Much More